Sunday, October 24, 2010
HoneyBandit & Patches are best friends. Still, HoneyBandit is keeping an eye on that (empty) food dish, just in case...Manzanita 4th graders offer a friendly challenge to all schools!The fourth grade class at Manzanita Elementary School
in Redding, CA hereby challenges all schools
to meet or exceed our donations of $250.00 toward
Honey Bandit, the foal in the care of Palomino Armstrong.
Any questions call:
Palomino Armstrong (530) 474 5197
Palo Cedro dentist William Farrell at
(530) 547-5757
Palomino may be emailed at:
The winning (Class who donates the largest amount) will receive a personal visit from Honey Bandit and Palomino and a class party!
Good luck and, “Go Honey Bandit!”
Labels: Honeybandit, Manzanita School challenge, Patches
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 9:16 PM

Just glad HoneyBandit stayed dry !