Tuesday, October 19, 2010
News from Honeybandit & his two-legged mom
It's getting chilly as I sit here writing this. There is something so soothing about hearing horses eating. (or in this case, just listening to Honey Bandit munching steadily away.), We took some cute video tonight that shows how smart he is and how well he is doing with his training.
Unfortunately, I do not know how to down load the videos yet. We can watch them on the TV or on the computer, but not sure how to get them out. Once I do, look out.
Honey Bandit seems to be thriving. He is getting more and more confident, and his hearing is definitely coming back. Wouldn't say it's 100% by any means, but compared to a couple of weeks ago, it is unbelievable.
He and Patches are still doing well together. It's pretty funny when HB gets "kicky or pushy", Patches just scoots up and leans against his back legs. They seem completely content just to hang out together, whether they are running and playing or just standing around munching. I guess it is a good combination to have two such wonderful "eaters" together. They have so much in common.
We are working on getting every thing together for this coming weekend and the rally to stop the roundups.
Terri (Farley) and I have been asked to speak, so I feel privileged to be in such great company. We are working on having a "presentable" version of Honey Bandit's CD. The plan is to be able to project it so everyone can see where he started and see the changes everyone has brought about with their love and support. Jennifer is working on that, and if it goes as planned, it will be pretty awesome.
We have ordered 50 t-shirts for the this weekend. We want as many people wearing Honey Bandit's shirts as possible. They are supposed to be here on time, but one can only hope.
We are also working as quickly as we can to get the carport safe enough for a temporary place for Honey Bandit until we get his real nursery. It has been in the 30's, and that can be pretty hard on a baby like him, especially when it gets so warm during the day. But he is happy and I get the feeling he knows he is loved very much, and by many.
Never guess who I ran into at the gym. Nancy Hague, from the BLM. We had a very cordial conversation. She seemed very happy that Honey Bandit was doing well. She said she appreciated the letter I had written to BLM, and that I should put a link to it as they cannot post letters. So we will be posting the letter on Chilly Pepper's website if ya'll would like to read it. I wanted to make it clear that Honey Bandit's journey is not about "hating the BLM", but to make Americans realize that unless we change the laws and legislation, we will lose our horses, and continue to throw away the $74 million dollars that is being spent on the round ups and to house these horses every year.
We hope to see as many of you as possible on Saturday, October 23, at the capitol. God bless everyone for all their hard work in attempting to save our beloved horses.
God bless. p
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 12:41 PM

$74 milllion is a lot of money to spend. And it is true that we shouldn't hate them, just try to correct them.
(-Young At Heart)