Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wow, I can't tell you what a fabulous experience it was to meet Honey Bandit's youngest fans. Yesterday, Terri (Farley), Jennifer Gillespie and I went to Manzanita School, in Redding California. We went to meet David Gilstrap and his fabulous group of fourth grade students. These amazing kids, mostly ages 9 and 10, have shown more initiative than many people who are supposed to be mature adults.
[brilliant kids + skilled teacher = the BEST!!! -Terri]
There are so many people who yell and scream about the plight of the wild horses, but don't actually do or accomplish anything. These kids saw something they felt wasn't right and DID something about it. The kids all worked hard to raise money for Honey Bandit. Through their hard work and creative thinking, they were able to raise $140. When the class presented the money to me for Honey Bandit, they asked what I was going to do with it. I asked them what they wanted me to do with it and they decided half for his vet bills and half for his food.
The kids also spent hours making posters. The messages ranged from saving Honey Bandit, helping Honey Bandit, to one of my favorites, "throwing out the challenge". The kids in David Gilstrap's class are challenging other schools to a fund raiser. I am not sure of all the details, but I do know the prize. We will be having a big party for the winning class! Terri Farley has agreed to come back and the kids in the winning class will all get one of her autographed books. There will also be fabulous food and fun. Of course Honey Bandit will be the guest of honor, (as long as he is feeling good) When I get the official version of the challenge from the class I will pass it on. BUT THE CHALLENGE IS ON!
Looking in their beautiful faces brought tears to my eyes. There was so much love and caring. Many of them gave their allowances, mowed lawns, had a snack stand, scoured the house for change and did whatever they could to help save an injured and dying foal.
Honey Bandit was scheduled to go to the school, but due to his "cold", we decided it would be best if he waited for the big party.
We plan on taking their posters and letters to the Protest in Sacramento next weekend. These kids are making a difference. Their actions will not only help save the wild horses, but hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars at the very least. For the people who think "it's just a horse", well I think they forget, or simply don't understand the amount of money being thrown away in rounding up and caring for these animals. Funny, but when left alone, they cost zero. I personally would like my tax dollars to help with needs such as health care, or better yet, stay in my wallet.
Besides being America's Poster Boy to stop the Roundups, Honey Bandit is now being nicknamed, "The Million Dollar Horse". The amount of money we would be saving is astronomical if we get the moratorium on the roundups. We need a successful trip to Washington DC and Americans must INSIST that the legislation be changed, not only to protect our beloved wild horses, but to save tax dollars. If David Gilstrap and his fourth graders can make a difference, think what we can do together.
Honey Bandit fought the good fight, and now it is our turn. He is doing well, although he is still fighting being sick. He won't quit, and neither will we. Thank you all for your help and support.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 8:50 AM

You're right Terri. I mean I have just realized how all I do is think about how the slaughter needs to stop, but I don't do anything. And you're 100% correct when you show people how these kids can inspire you. I have been touched by their inspiration and i will start scouring the house for money.........NOW! :)
Oh and another thing. Terri, you are a wonderful writer and I saw that you've wrote A LOT of newspaper articles. MY teacher asked me to write a story for the local Citizen about the goals of the kids in 6th grade plus the turtles and butterflies we care for. If you have any ideas that can help me please share.
(-Young At Heart)
great to see a teacher get children involved with a worthwile project; thanks to all ! Anna 1951
PS What date is the Sacramento Protest? I will post this on blogs!
you go little honey bandit (and Patches the Mini...)
Date: 10/17/2010 2:18:03 PM
WILD HORSES: Carson City Protest Planned
Carrol Abel has agreed to be a point of contact for advocates who wish to attend the demonstration and need more specific information.
If all goes well, we will actually be demonstrating outside the Attorney General's Office (which is directly across the street from the governmental buildings - 100 N. Carson St., Carson City) The theme of the demonstration will be "No Blind Eye to Corruption." It is hoped that the Attorney General, who is up for reelection, will take notice of public opinion and do her job and stop holding the public to one set of standards while she holds state officials to lesser standards.
All concerned advocates are encouraged to attend the demonstration. Please remember that we conduct safe and sane demonstrations in Nevada's State Capitol and we respect other citizens with whom we share the sidewalk. As a result we have good relations with local law enforcement that we wish to maintain. Signs are permitted and some will be provided. If you bring your own signs please remember that this is a Virginia Range horse issue, not BLM. I mention this so motorists and the media viewing the demonstration won't get confused.
Additional details can be found at (web address) and this information will be updated as needed.
This is what is happening to our Virginia Range horses!
Virginia Range Horse Roundup and Protest Information
We have been informed that Governor Gibbons has issued a directive for the Nevada Dept. of Agriculture to go around and pick up Virginia Range horses. Obviously he had no interest in cooperating with the local communities to solve the problems of horses being lured into neighborhoods, but he's going to protect his Deputy Chief of Staff's unfenced bogus hay field that is luring horses across US-50. It looks like the lame duck Governor is going to try to pull off as many horses as he can in the waning days of his tenure in office.
There are laws that address how the state is supposed to remove and dispose of Virginia Range horses. These are laws that the governor's buddy Tony Lesperance, Director of Agriculture, conveniently ignores. Presently there are five Virginia Range horses up for sale at the Fallon Livestock Exchange for which the required legal notices of capture and sale were never published and which went to the auction yard without the required brands. Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez-Masto, who is charged with the responsibility of enforcing legal conduct among state officials, unfortunately runs an agency that appears to have no interest in dealing with corrupt practices by state officials that have gone on for years. Therefore corruption in the NV Department of Agriculture continues.
A number of advocates will be "patrolling" areas where horses are likely to be trapped and will document trapping operations by taking photographs and submitting them, along with reports, to the local news media.
Thank you.