Sunday, October 03, 2010
Summer, now ten weeks old

Baby Summer (seen above on the day she was rescued from a group of horses being bid on by killer-buyers) came to my Carson City library event yesterday with her human mom Shirley Allen.
They are both such wonderful ambassodors for wild horses!
Summer already has an adoptive home (lucky human) but Shirley has two other foals -- Austin and Ellie -- from the Calico range.
Every baby deserves kindness,
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Terri Farley @ 7:37 PM

wow that is cool; that is a pix of Mike Holmes hand carrying the little foal out of the lot to safety; the us dept. of agriculture actually left a living foal lying in a sand lot...stupid?
praise God for Mike Holmes; I do !
anna wahpoose usa STAY SAFE BABY SUMMER ! we luv ya; stay healthy!