Saturday, November 06, 2010
HoneyBandit update & photo
HoneyBandit and Terri in October Dear Readers,
Palomino heard from many of you concerned about HoneyBandit and sent along this latest email.
Last night was a very long night. I didn't let Patches stay with Honey Bandit last night. For now I think I will have them "sleep (ha ha)" separately. I believe Honey Bandit gets more rest when they are separated. Just like kids. But after breakfast they were back together. They are so bonded and I really like watching them chase each other around.
The day before when we put them out to play though, HB ran with Patches for about a minute, and then he stood around munching while Patches did flips, bucked out and generally had a fabulous time playing with the dogs.
It is so weird because HB did go through a time when he loved to run and buck and had a lot of energy. He would definitely get real tired and worn out after, but now he doesn't play that hard. I guess when there are issues with your lungs it does wear you out. I had pneumonia and it was miserable.
He doesn't seem like he is totally miserable though. Just kind of tired and worn out. He actually looks really really good. Sure hasn't stopped him from eating or even slowed him down. I think he's like me. I eat for comfort, when I am stressed, happy and when I am depressed. I just like to "graze". So we fit together pretty well that way. I don't think he even knows how to stop eating, "just in case".......... He also doesn't like stuff above him - gee, could that be from being chased and terrorized by a helicopter?
I had to get up 3 times last night because he "cast himself" against the stall. Matt and I were wondering about the fact that it always seems to be on the right side. I know when we first got him that he was always walking in to things on that side. He also had a pretty bad eye infection and couldn't see so well. Who knows, maybe that side of his head isn't quite caught up to the growth and development of the other one. I believe that is the side he was kicked in the head on.
I know that many people have seen his pictures and wanted to know why we are still sleeping with him and watching him 24/7. With Chilly Pepper I could tell when she was "ok" and ready to sleep outside without me. But with Honey Bandit I simply know that I have to be with him and that we need to watch over him constantly. Also, it has become more and more obvious by the continued "castings" etc that he is far from ready to be a "big boy" in his big boy room by himself. We will just stay with him until we know, or at least feel like it might be safe. Matt is thinking that there could be some brain damage? Not severe, but there are just a few things that aren't quite right. However, with time they could improve.
On a much lighter note, Honey Bandit and Patches did play for a few minutes and had an absolute blast. They were quite comical. Patches rears up and can barely get his feet over Bandit's back. Then it is Bandit's turn, and that is when it really gets good. He stands over patches, grabs his mane in his mouth and gets ready to jump up on top of Patches. But he is already taller than him. You can see his frustration. They bounce around chasing each, biting and shoving. I looked over and all at once Patches was on the ground. Apparently Honey Bandit pushed a little bit too hard. I have wonderful video on some mini cd's. As soon as I figure out how to do something with it I will share their little "fun times" with ya'll. Take care.Labels: Honeybandit, Palomino's update, Terri
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 6:59 PM

Hi Terri;
Thanks; however I cannot see the new photo of Honey Bandit ! Anne
ps this is a good Mustang Sancturary I heard about...
this sanctuary has a "800 acres set just for Stallions...
at this Sanctuary: Stallions are kept separate from the Mares to prevent unwanted Breeding; as a management tool to control the population of the Herds;
a great Mustang Sanc. in Calif.
Oh I am soo jealous of that photo Ms. Farley!! =) its awesome that you got to meet him. Chilly peper, Honey Bandit, and supporters like you and Palomino are all in our thoughts and prayers each day.