Thursday, November 11, 2010
On Veteran's Day: Take Heart for Horses

Dear Readers,
It's Veteran's Day & I'm thankful my veteran is home,frying up breakfast potatoes in my kitchen.
But: deadly round-ups go on; a BLM staffer calling himself "Animal Abuser" is sending threatening emails; mustang bloggers'accounts are being hacked and BLM's wild horse and burro program leader has been announced as a guest at a "summit" to bring back horse slaughter houses in the U.S.
It's discouraging. Some of you will lose heart and turn away.
"I can't look at those videos," people tell me, "I end up in tears."
I hope so.
Wild horses don't need tears of pity, but tears of anger? betrayal? outrage? Oh yeah.
THOSE motivate phone calls and letters and conversation.
When someone idly asks "How are you?"
do not say fine.
"Mad," you can say, "Wild horses may well be extinct in my lifetime."
"Half of California's wild horses disappeared this summer," you tell your aunt, doctor, hair stylist, friend. If you see a frown of concern, add, "Hundreds of wild horses were killed in helicopter round-ups this year, including foals who had their hooves literally run off and WE are paying for it."
HOW MUCH? Many millions of dollars, enough to give whole states health care.
more about that soon, I promise. Don't lose heart, please.
Even if you're far away, YOU can stand between the horses and their killers.
p.s. note from Palomino will be on this blog, later today.
Labels: Hearts for horses, Veteran's day
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 8:18 AM
