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Terri Farley
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Friday, November 04, 2005

Filly's First Snow

Dear Readers,

You never disappoint me! The Last Chance Ranch is getting hundreds of name suggestions from you and this time next week the orphaned filly will have her own name. I thought you'd like to hear how she's doing from Andi at Last Chance Ranch:

Well, the little girl got to experience her first snow today! And her first foal blanket as well. Not sure which she liked the least! I only put the blanket on her when she went out while it was snowing so she wouldn't get too wet and cold and get sick. The blanket sort of fits . . . her little butt is hanging out but at least it covers her chest area, which is the most important thing! I showed her how to use her foot to scrape away the snow to find grass and she caught on to that quickly! She stayed out about an hour or so this morning, then I put her back in her stall, towel dried her off and gave her some fresh alfalfa pieces and Foal Lac pellets. She seems to be doing well on the pellets and has a pretty good appetite. I wish I had another one about her size for company for her and to help encourage her to eat better. She's a little depressed - common for orphans - and loves the attention. Since it was nasty most of the day today, I spent a lot of time hanging out in her stall with her and I think she liked that.

There are a few more, new photos of her on her site . . .

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 7:41 AM

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