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Terri Farley
HomeBooksThe AuthorConnectEducationWild Horses


Sunday, May 06, 2007


Dear Readers,
I just received this and thought you might be interested. Please let me know if it works out for you!

Hey Terri!

There is this awesome site I wanted to tell you about! It's called Phantom Stallion Writer's Club, and it's a run-off from WHV. They have contests, a Writer of the Month, and the best part is a huge contest called PSNoWriMo, which stands for
Phantom Stallion Novel Writing Month! Over the course of two months - despite the name - writers must type up a 25,000 word book. It can be a short story, novella, or even the beginning to a story. Or longer! It will take place in June and July and I know it will be awesome. The main part is the forum.

I was hoping you might mention this site in your blog. It would amazing to get more of your writing fans involved, especially in PSNoWriMo! Could you possibly mention it? It would mean a lot to me and other members!

Directions: Either go to and scroll down the page on the right-hand side until you reach Writer's Club or go to: or even to the forum:, which is the most active part of the site, and where all of the contests are!

Thanks so much for writing and loving horses, Terri!

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 10:20 PM

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