Monday, November 17, 2008
The Meeting
Dear Readers,
My brain is fried, but I knew you'd want to know what happened at the meeting today.
First, you need to know that the horses have many friends and they were there to stand up for what they believe.
Next, the board we all spoke to was one made up of a panel of people with interest in the horses, coming from different directions.
For example, cattlemen, hunter, vet, humane advocate, etc.After listening to all of the public comments and reports from the Federal government, they will make a recommendation to the BLM.
The Director of the BLM, Henri Bisson, gave a brief talk saying that he didn't want his legacy (he's retiring soon) to be acting too quickly to do something he'd regret. He said that a decision wouldn't be made today, or next week.
I took lots of notes, but right now I'm just working from memory, so here are some things you'll want to know:
Many people are in favor of the contraception program, which would reduce the herd more slowly than killing the horses, but obviously more humanely.
Many horse advocates want the horses to "get back" the herd management areas which have been zeroed out (all the horses have been removed)
The very best testimony of the day, in my opinion, was given by Cindy MacDonald of American Herds. She's promised to let me reprint it! As for my presentation, you know what happened...I had lots more to say that would fit in three minutes.
more later,
Terri (I took tons of notes)
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:33 PM

Hi Terri! I was able to see some of the meeting but we lost internet later in the day. I did see Cindy McDonald and thought what she said was fabulous! For those of us who were unable to see the meeting, will there be a way we can view it now that it's finished?
Phantom Stallion's Paradise Admin
hmmm I don't know.
I wouldn't be surprised, though. I talked with Sally Summers of Horse Power and she was pleased about the way it was working out!
I'm in suspense. I kept checking the computer to see if you posted anything about the meeting! I really respect you Mrs. Farley.
oh and thank you for the signed postcard, I got it today.
Go to this website!!
I really like the way it was set up too. I checked in off and on throughout the day then we lost internet because of the weather. :-(
But over all it was great to be 'a fly on the wall' :-D