Monday, November 03, 2008
Standing UP
Dear Readers,
I'll be answering your comments and emails, and you can't know how much I love hearing from you!!!! I've received email about Special Edition campaignsm too.
In more important news, BLM is having a big meeting about the West's wild horses and the "solution" of slaughtering mustangs to save money. The meeting will be held in Reno, Nevada, near my home, in mid-November. I'm going to apply to speak and I'd love to be your voice (and the voice of your teachers, parents and friends). I'll be accepting letters on what wild horses mean to America on my blog and via email beginning Nov. 5th.
You won't be mad, I hope, if I repeat:
No matter which direction my career turns, I'll never stop fighting for the horses. Love,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:45 PM

I'm SO sending a letter to say how much I love wild horses and what they meant to me!!! Got to start writing :)
First of all, mustangs aren't onlyimportant because they stand for freedom, they're important because theyre living creatures. You can't just take them off the range and kill them all! I didn't know much about wild horses before I read the phantom stallion series. I thought they were just wild animals that could roam where ever they wanted and like squirrels weren't bothered by people. I'm soooo thankful to you Terri Farley for teaching me so much I might never have known. For helping me to help the wild horses. I'll be broken hearted if I never get to see mustangs running free. truelly free. It might be years before I can see that. What if they're gone?
(How could any one send a horse to a kill pen? It disgusts me.)
I'm not sure how to explain it, I hope some one else is better at this than me. Wild horses mean so much to me. They are not dependent on humans for food, water, hoof and health care. Freedom, toughness and the wild beauty of the west. That's what you think when you see a mustang. This was REALLY long but I hope some little part of it will help wild horses.
I repeat, wild mustangs mean so much to me. Keep them wild.
Go butterscotch!!
I totally aree with what you wrote. Wild horses deserve rights too. They have lives too and it's not up to us humans to take them away.
I hope you get the spot to speak Terri because noone can say it better than you and your books are proof of it.