Sunday, February 07, 2010
Killing colts as world watches makes BLM uneasy

A rest before dying/photo by Lora Leigh
Dear Readers,
Someone at BLM has realized we're watching, and we care.
After nearly 2000 beautiful horses were captured and injured, the Calico Complex round-up was halted.
Now, the Eagle territory round-up has been postponed:
Ely, Nevada – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has determined there is not adequate time to safely conduct the proposed Eagle Herd Management Area (HMA) gather prior to the beginning of foaling season, and therefore, will defer issuing a decision on the proposed gather until later this year after the foaling season.We're having an impact.
Labels: BLM, Calico, Eagle Herd Management, foals die, wild horse deaths, wild horses
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:08 PM

YES! Finally! That is abosultely wonderful!
Amen! Praise the Lord! I am sooo glad this is happening! That photo should make anyone miserable. God is at work little by little here to change BLM's policies..
way to go supporters!
Yes!! When I saw that picture...well it made me what to cry. I am happy that BLM stopped the round-up, but the thought of thoes colts running with such little delicate hooves and such long legs!
Whoohoo!!! I felt really sad when I saw this picture (Like everyone else of course), but that other part really made me happy : ) I'm really glad it's been halted
Thanks for all you do Ms. Farley!
-Nevada Sunshine
I'm sad to say the round up was probably halted because they could find no more horses to corral. This number is below what BLM wanted to round up.
We have to make them know we're still watching.
Thanks for your good wishes, guys.
Oh, Nevada Sunshine, if you really are in Nevada, there are two upcoming demonstrations -- one in Las Vegas and one in Carson City -- where you can show your wild horse spirit!
Wow, I didn't think of that. I'll pray my hardest for these brave horses. I wish I could be in Nevada Ms. Farley, I live in Texas though, really far away...I love Nevada very much, it's beautiful. Once again, I will pray for everyone apart of this, and I'll pray for the BLM, because I want them to realize their mistakes, and, of course I'll pray for the people apart of this fight for our mustangs.
-Nevada Sunshine