Thursday, July 18, 2013
The West is Burning, but Captive Mustangs have No Shade
Walking to water, mustangs stay in the shade |
Dear Readers,
June 2013 was one of the hottest months on record for the area surrounding the Palomino Valley Wild Horse center.
The sun is not slacking off. Temperatures will hit 100 degrees today, 101 on Friday and 103 on Saturday.
When I adopted Sage, BLM required me to draw and document shelter appropriate for the climate.
Still, BLM's website says :
"Wild horses are accustomed to open environments" and "Due to the temperament of the animals, the social hierarchy between the
animals, and their unfamiliarity with shelters, the BLM feels that
corrals without shelters are the safest approach."
Yes, wild horses are accustomed to open environments, but they -- like other mammals -- seek shade and relief from the heat.
Below, you'll see wild horses in a sanctuary with 5,000 acres. In 11 hours of riding, with temperatures in the 80's, these are the only horses I saw in the open sunlight.
After they've had water, mustangs return to the shade. | | |
Cat Kindsfather's photo of mustangs in BLM captivity. Fenced in, they cannot find cool grass to lie upon or shade against the relentless desert sun | | | |
Do you disagree with fencing animals away from shade in soaring temperates?
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Terri Farley @ 12:40 PM

And that ground those 'icons of america' are lying on was measured at 164 degrees F....shame on the Blm