Saturday, September 06, 2014
What are the TOP THREE REASONS to Write Middle-Grade Fiction?
What are the TOP THREE REASONS to Write Middle-Grade Fiction?
The Student * The Teacher *
The Wild Horse Story
If you like reading other people's mail, you're in luck.
I was so giddy-happy over this letter, I wanted you to read it, too! T.
Mrs. T,
How are you? I am doing well. I've recently gotten a job as a speech therapist
at an elementary school. I am writing because you helped get me out of a
tight spot today. :)
I had prepared
materials for my student (she and I were going to read together) and rhat was great except I
left them at home. And I didn't
realize this important fact until the girl entered my classroom.
So just to make conversation (as I scrambled to come up with something
interesting) I asked her what she liked to read about most. Her response was
I was thrilled and relieved.
I may be 23, but I still have the good ol' Phantom on my Ipad! So needless to say
we had a great session. We were both engrossed in The Wild One. We were
able to address her speech issues AND she can't wait to come back next week!
Anyway I won't keep you any longer. I just wanted to write to let you know I had
thought about you and I appreciate the Phantom's run to the rescue!
Labels: phantom stallion, reading, speech therapy, student, teacher, wild horses
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Terri Farley @ 6:58 PM