Monday, July 28, 2008
Summer Shots
Dear Readers,
Lots of you took photos during my Hawaii, Colorado and Wyoming events and I'd love to include some of them on my website photo page you'd like to send me something, please tell me the first names only of the people in the photo! And where it was taken, k?
Fingers crossed that I'll have a great new page up soon with wild horses from Shackleford Banks.
Best to you,
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Terri Farley @ 1:34 PM

I think it would be cool to have a movie of the PS plus one with not real people but realistic looking people cartoon, cause I'm not really into movies, and if the things get changed I wont watch a single one, like Jaquiline wilson book got turned into a movieish thing and it want a bit like the book.
I would love this, too. And you guessed the reason that there hasn't yet been a movie. Most who've asked about the movie rights want to change the plot too much. Thanks for caring!