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Terri Farley
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Monday, December 22, 2008

NOT Blaming

Dear Readers,
Sorry about the late notice on the chat. Yesterday WAS the shortest day of the year, but I don't think I can blame my tardiness on that.
How about...we STILL don't have water in our house & running a family without it is tougher than you think. My summer weeks on Shackleford Banks trained me how to use the big plastic jugs with some agility, but I'm longing for Matt the Plumber to work his magic (second try!). Good thing is that he found no cozy wildlife under the house. I wouldn't want him to disturb them, or vice versa!
I have fun doing online chats and I know I'll be doing another one soon.
Fingers crossed I'll get the news to you much earlier!

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 9:02 AM

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Comments: Must be miserable not having running water!
Sorry I missed your live chat- but we'[ll look for the next one!
  It's ok Terri. I'm sure there will be more times where your fans can chat to you.

Terri, Are you going to do speical editions of the Phantom Stallion books???

  That's gotta suck. I hope you can do another chat. I was looking forward to one. Maybe like, I dunno, around Christmas time. Maybe talking about the new P.S. book or movie. If there is one! ;)
  The other day we had a power outage that lasted for 6 hours, we lost water most of that time and just that was hard. I can't imagine how hard it must be to go with out running water for so long.
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