Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Readers,
Don't you love the painting above? Can't you feel the foal's energy?
During my first research trip to Hawaii, my friends Dennise & Sonny urged me to stop by the gallery of artist Patrick Ching. They told me about his cowboy past, his love of nature, horses and Hawaii's endangered creatures. Wow, was I ever happy I listened to them!
Then, this summer when I did a booksigning on Oahu, I was honored to have Patrick come visit me & get some books for his daughter.
Patrick's wonderful artwork makes me feel like I'm in the islands, and I bet you'll have a wonderful time exploring.
link to paradiseWhile you do, look for "Cowgirl Blue." Look for a horse that appears in a photo & a painting. Look for lehua, and a wave that appears so real, you'll want to ride it ashore.
Whenever I can't wait to return to Hawaii, I visit Patrick's website.
Have fun,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 3:48 AM

hello; I truly admire Artists; those who can paint Horse pictures and other scenes of Mother Nature;
being able to draw and paint is a "gift;
I truly admire artists and writers;
Anna "Cat mini-rescue person; conn.
oh wow! for a second i thought it was a photograph! I'll definetly look at the website!
I am working on a horse painting!!!!!! I am doing a horse by the sea and (un intentionally) it is starting to look a little like Hoku! I was trying for a magestic Stallion From The Sea but I can change the title of the painting I guess to Mare Of Mischief or something. I'll e-mail it to you, Terri, when I am done with it.
Beautiful.. just amazing! And I can almost feel the spirt and excitement of that young foal kicking up his heals to the color-streaked sky. God's creation is realy amazing. To capture it on paper like this is amazing.
Isn't his talent amazing?
And Violet, wow the titles of your painting are so fantastic, I can't wait to see them. Thanks for the offer to email me a peek!
Hi Terri
True the paintings do look lifelike
I just cannot figure out how some people can paint so realistically;
oh well; back to my Horse Collages;
lol anna conn us "helping horses...
Wow! What an amazing artist he is!!! I, too, almost mistook it for a photograph!!!
Best of luck on your painting, Violet! Unfortunately, I'm very limited in the artistic sense!
thanks Girl Of Many Colors! I am getting the shadows pretty good and such but I can't figure out if I want a sunset sea, a noon sea, if I want the hose on the beach and the water behind or if I want the horse IN the water.....
Hi everyone! I'm Violet~~~'s BEST FRINED! I saw her painting today and WOW IT IS GOOD SO FAR! Is there anyway to place pics here on the comment thing. OR MAYBE TERRI CAN POST THE PIC ON HER BLOG SO ALL OF US CAN SEE IT! Can you Terri?
I think when Violet e-mais the pic to Terri Farley she should post it in her blog so we all can see! PLEASE!?
I JUST finished my painting after 3 days. It isn't the most amazing painting ever but hey, it looks pretty good. Hopefully my art teacher will teach me more skills on doing clouds and such. I notice mistakes around the horse's head but....All I can do it try. *Shruggs* anyway, I sent it to Terri Farley. HOPE YOU LIKE IT TERRI FARLEY!
Wow there beautiful!