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Terri Farley
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Friday, February 13, 2015

Born to Be Wild


The real Phantom Stallion wasn't alone when he was rounded up from the Virginia Range of Nevada. His mare Shy and a dark gray colt came with him. All three were saved from slaughter by people with hearts for horses.

A girl named Amber fell in love with the colt and named him Rain Cloud and adopted him. 
Rain Cloud stayed in his native Nevada, but his mother and father, the Phantom and Shy were freed into the Wild Horse Sanctuary in California. If you want to see their day of freedom, click here for video
Rain Cloud lived in Nevada even after Amber left for an out-of-state school Amber's mother Margaret took care of the gray colt, who was slowly turning the silvery moon color of his sire. Rain Cloud. He got good food and water, and a domestic mare took over as his substitute mother.
After a few years, Margaret invited me to meet grown-up Rain Cloud. 
By now he was pure white with black mane and tail. He had kind eyes, a proud stride, and a wild stallion attitude. He reminded me so much of his sire.  

With Amber gone, Rain Cloud had fallen out of the habit of listening to people.
 In the picture at right, you can see he's turned one ear to catch my voice, but he had no real intention of doing what I asked.

A few months later,Rain Cloud's substitute-mother mare had died of old age. Rain Cloud was not a happy guy. He needed a wild horse adventure, but he couldn't be set free He needed training to live among humans and he was so lucky that Palomino Armstrong happened to be in town on the weekend Margaret decided it would be best for the grown up colt to go to California with Palomino.

Rain Cloud in California  or What Do You Mean I'm Not the Boss? 

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