Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Reader Review of FARAWAY FILLY
Dear Readers,
I just had to share this enthusiastic review of my latest WILD HORSE ISLAND book!
It made me laugh & smile!
I read Faraway Filly!!! And, of course, it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!When we went to Barnes & Noble for the second time, I walked into the kid's section and the WHI section, and the I saw Faraway Filly and GRABBED IT!!!! Then I started jumping up and down and squealing and generally acting like a six-year-old. After a few minutes of that I calmed down enough to start actually reading it. On the way back home we went to a chocolate factory and got some chocolates, and I got to read FF while eating the innards out of chocolate cremes...*drools*
Then when we got home I sat down and read some more (no duh) but when I got to an exciting part I started flailing my legs around. Carefully the last few times, because I had nearly knocked over a lamp...and a tissue box...and the chair I was in...and nameless other things..., LOL! I LOVED the part where Patrick ...(SPOILER) ... I didn't recognize the name ...(spoiler) until ...They got him good anyhow!!(muahaha)
I'm SOOO sad that the next book is the last, but I'll read ANYTHING you write, so as long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading!!:D"
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Terri Farley @ 3:53 AM

This fellow reader and I have alot of things in common. That's exactly what I do every time I read one of your books Terri! I just can't handle keeping still when I get to the exciting parts (or any part when Jake is-was-involved). I'm still doing extra chores to pay my mom back for all the things that I've....injured since I started reading PS and WHI.
I get physically excited, too, but here's the GOOD news!
When I was taking education classes for my teaching degree, I learned that children who exhibit "excessive gesticulation" are almost always GIFTED.
Get out your dictionary and start smiling!
heh heh, sounds sort of like...ME!
XD This girl sounds a lot like me :D I'm totally obsessed with the PS and WHI books! I keep begging my mom to take me to the bookstores so I can get the newest books, but I'm sick right now and my mom's to busy :( I can't wait til this cold is gone! The series is so good, I used to go the the library every week and check 4 or 5 PS books and crack them open before we even get out the door! I still can't believe that Galloping Gold is the last book :( But I'm still only on #4 So I still have quite a few books left! Love, An obsessed Phantom Stallion Fan and Forever Horse Lover, Haylie!
(P.S. I was searching horse pics on Google and look what I found! http://www.alzafaregyptians.com/AlihGet/hindia.jpg
I thought "Hoku!" the second I saw this! :D
Thanks for the link. That horse's beauty and fire remind me of Hoku, too!!!