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Terri Farley
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

BURNS AMENDMENT rises like a zombie

Dear Readers,

> A reliable person on the ground in the Pryor Mountains says BLM has decided not to corral the horses over ten years old, and not to adopt them, but, per the Burns Amendment sell them to the highest bidder.
UPDATE: In a meeting last month in Washington DC we were told by Ed Roberson of the Department of Interior and Don Glenn, Chief of the Wild Horse and Burro Program, that all of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses would be adopted, even the horses over 10. At the first morning briefing of this roundup Field Manager Jim Sparks reiterated this promise.
But in a taped interview yesterday Don Glenn said that the older horses would be sold, all people have to do is sign a paper release.

> This just in from Carol Walker, the photographer whose wonderful work I showed you:

We are at the overlook - they got Conquistador's band the last band in the Forest Service this morning and now are goung after the remaining 130 on the mtn including Halcion and her week old foal - it is a 10 mile plus distance down the rocky hillside. Bolder and Chino's bands just came in with Bolder's gorgeous buckskin filly - all horses look ok so far but it is very hot.
Carol Walker
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

> ****NEWS FLASH**** 2pm, Sept. 6, 2009****


The Cattoor roundup helicopter just drove Cloud's son Bolder and his band down the mountain. It is over 90 degrees now in the low country and the horses must travel over 12 miles.

We cannot be in the helicopter or anywhere to observe and can only see and witness a small portion of their frightening journey. Chino's band was with them as well and they fine coming in but at this time of year many of the horses are way out in the Forest Service and they had a very long trip down.

The helicopter is going up now for more horses, very likely including the week-old foal and her young mother, both planned to be removed. This is the wrong time to do a roundup in the Pryors-later in the fall the horses would be much lower down the mountain. But this is when the roundup crew was available. Many of the foals are too young for this journey.

Sue Cattoor of the roundup crew is saying that the buckskin filly below, Bolder's newest daughter, is too thin and must be removed. Here she is one week ago on the mountaintop. She is a stunning, leggy and very healthy filly, probably born in early July. She looked good to observers on the hill as she came in as well- she is not thin or in poor health. The lies and misinformation continue as does this roundup.

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 4:03 PM

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