Sunday, December 28, 2008
3 Q & A
Are any of your book characters modeled on real horses or people? Ace is almost exactly the same as the little bay mustang I rode on the cattle drive which inspired the first PHANTOM STALLION book. Nike was on that cattle drive, too, and so was Buddy the calf,and Pepper the cowboy. In fact, Pepper's real name, PETE slipped past me and the copy editor and made it into one of the books!
Popcorn is a lot like Dyna-might, an albino Quarter Horse I knew when I was a child.
Wyatt is a lot like my Texan grandfather and Brynna is named after Bryan, a BLM wrangler who came up with an idea to keep my fictional Phantom from being branded and adopted.
In several PHANTOM STALLION books, you mentioned something called POGONIP. Is there really such a thing? Yes! Pogonip is a fog made of ice crystals (instead of water droplets) it is sparkly and beautiful and based on a Shoshone word. Wouldn't Pogonip be a great name for a sassy Appaloosa filly?
In WILD HORSE ISLAND, you have a guide to all of the characters' names, with descriptions. Why don't you put it and one for PHANTOM STALLION on your website? Hmmmm, I have no good answer for this one ; I've never thought of doing this. So, dear readers, what do you think of the idea?
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Terri Farley @ 6:45 PM

It would be kinda cool. But it certainly would take up alot of your free time. I'd think about your schedule and how much time you would want to put into all this.
I think it would be cool, but it's whatever you want to do
That'd be awesome if you did that! I've always wondered what color eyes sam has, and exactly how tall Jake is.
Of course you should Terri that would be wonderful!!!
Its really sad that WHI is ending, I was looking forward to the next 5 books that were supposed to come out...
Oh yeah, I remember pepper/pete! ;)
And discriptions would be kinda cool.
I love it Terri! It would help readers starting in the middle/end of the series understand a bit more about the characters. :-)
Awesomeful! I'd love to see something like that!!! :D
That would be cool
It WOULD take a long, long time to do it right. Maybe I could get my reader/writers to contribute.
that sounds good....
What could us readers do??
I love the idea. I know it would take up alot of your free time (sorry =( ) but I'm sure it would make us readers very enthusiastic. I'd sure love to contribute! Also if it actually happens please make Jake's section reeeeeeeeeeeaaaally long (I'm starting to miss reading new things about Jake a lot)!
I'd love to help terri!!!