Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dear Readers,
I'm a judge! Not a horse show judge or a courtroom judge, but I'm very excited to be working with the GIRLS HORSE CLUB on a great new competition for horse stories, only!
I'm off to celebrate Father's Day, but I want to share this with you, first ---
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:40 AM

Sounds awesomeful! Thanks so much for posting about this opportunity!
Thanks for putting a link to this, Terri!
I just wrote my story today for the entry. [:
So excited!
I am a JB on that site and I can't wait for the contests! I really hope to win! I have been working all day on my story! It is going to be amaing! Since you are judging, Terri Farley, I can't tell you about it yet! Just read and enjoy it! And THANKS FOR SHOWING ME GHC A FEW MONTHS AGO!!! I HAVE HAD SO MANY STORIES PUBLISHED!
Sounds great! I'll be writing my story for it pretty soon!
Thank you very much for being a judge Mrs. terri! Its greatly appreciated!
~Horsefeathers (JB)
Thanks for being a judge Mrs. Farley. Its greatly appreciated!
~Horsefeathers (JB)
I am also a Junior Blogger on GHC. I'm thinking of awesome ideas for my story. I want it to be really good! Even if it doesn't win.
Awesome! I think I know what my story will be.
But I'll do my best! Looks like it'll be a great turnout.
I'm so glad you're a judge!
I've been part of girlshorseclub since I was thirteen! Now I'm 15 and still going at it! :)
I have my story all ready!!
hey mustangmane, I am sure you'll do great! You usually have awsome ideas! Best wishes
Violet Inkpen