Wednesday, November 11, 2009
One World, Everybody Eats
Dear Readers,
I'm in Salt Lake City for a Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators conference and right after Sydney Salter (go
HERE to enter contests and read about her books) picked me up from the airport, we went to a really interesting place for lunch.
If you've read my blog for a while, you know that I don't write about restaurants, but
It is open seven days a week and you pay think the healthy, tasty food is worth.
If you don't have enough to pay for your meal, you can wash dishes or volunteer to work for what you eat.
The restaurant even has a motto: A hand up, not a hand out.
I like it,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 2:58 PM

i to agree with this slogan! =0) Somtimes people can get lazy and just expect people to feed them or give them food. If they are of sound mind and an able body than they can work to eat and provide for their famlies if need be. What's your favorite food : Chinese, Italian, Mexican?
I enjoy all of the ethnic foods you mentioned. Probably because I lived in southern California, not far from Mexico, that's my favorite and probably the style of cooking I do best.
I also love fruit and chocolate :)
I really love that idea. Probably many people can't afford (moneywise) a nice dinner out, but most people could afford (timewise and motivationwise) to help out a few hours to pay for the meal. Too bad I don't live anywhere near Salt Lake City.:)
I hope it's an idea that will spread. The restaurant is run by only two paid employees. The rest are volunteers, so profits go mostly to rent & buying organic food.