Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Readers,
Loads of you asked me to write a return to River Bend Ranch, so I'm doing it. My holiday gift to my newsletter subscribers is a short prequel to the series. It's called REMEMBER THE COLT and it stars a foal just like this one.
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Labels: newsletter, phantom stallion, REMEMBER THE COLT
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 2:07 AM

I absoloutely loved this sweet little fic :) I felt sorry for Wyatt when he started crying. But it was a happy ending.
-Emma Rose Lee
I absoloutely loved this sweet little fic :) I felt sorry for Wyatt when he started crying. But it was a happy ending.
I was wondering of you do a prequel about Sam's accident?
-Emma Rose Lee
The short story is just wonderful! It really does take me back to River Bend. I can't wait for more. This is one my favourite Christmas presents. :)
Thanks so much for the 'prequel'! I really like it. BTW, when will you have the next give-away thing?
About a week ago I got a postcard from you, thanks so much! I am was and am still really excited about it. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~ Nicole
That was so awesome!!! I adored it. It's great to learn more about the past of the characters. I'm so excited you're writing more books about River Bend Ranch!!! There's something truly magical about the books and characters.
Keep up the awesome work! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! :D
I loved this. :)
It's been a while since I finished the series, so it was lovely to revisit the characters and places. And of course I like reading about the Phantom as a baby. :)
It's always a pleasure to read stories of Sam and her friends !! Thanks !! Have wonderful holidays ! Hugs from Paris, France
I absolutely loved this, I think it's perfect and it fills you in on a lot of the past of River Bend Ranch. I loved this, even though it was short I could have read forever. :)
Thank you so much for your wonderful short story! I followed the Phantom Stallion books for years, and have missed reading about my favorite fictional horses and people. Also thank you for working so hard with the wild horses; I know if Sam existed, you'd be her hero.
Merry Christmas!
I loved it. It was really sweet :)
Loved it! It was the same Sam but so moving. Loved to see the past of River Bend. Thank You Terri! Merry Christmas all!!!!
That was beautiful! Me and my horse have that same bond. I left my coat in the barn once and when i cam back to get it she was sniffing it, thinking it was me! That was so tocuhing! I really loved it!
God Bless!
I liked it. It shows the bond between Sam and the Phantom.
This is awesome. I like how you took us back to when the Phantom was first born. It would be cool if you could write a book about what happened the day Sam got hurt and when she had to be sent away to her aunt's. I think it would be awesome to read about how Jake helps Sam train the Phantom.
Over all awesome short story.
I loved it! Wish I could have read it before I finished the series.
This was a WONDERFUL Christmas gift! It was the sweetest little fic I think I've ever read. Thank you for giving us this beautiful peek into Sam's early life, and most of all into the birth of the Phantom, Blackie, Zanzibar. He is truly a special horse!
Terri, that was really good, I really enjoyed that story and I would love to hear more. Would you please post some more of this story? I really liked it and I am really sure others would love to hear some more too!
From Caitlin-Leigh, United Kingdom
Terrific piece of writing as always from a amazing author. What a great Christmas gift that was! Thankyou very much, thought it was fantastic and I wish it had not ended, I could keep on reading forever!
Awww :) It's so sweet :)
I loved it! I think Terri should write a whole book! It was also fun to read about the phantom as a baby! Merry Christmas!
omg i absolutely loved it. can't wait for the others. it would be cool if u could write a story that makes sam's and jake's relationship deepier like BF/GF OMG THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! can't wait to read more.
I adored this! it was so nice to have another Phantom Stallion story.
Thank you so much for this loveliest of Christmas presents!
It was really sad but had a moving sweetness.
Especially all the Ely brothers.
Merry Christmas Terri!
omg!! that was beautiful and touching, it is awsome to have a look at sam's life before her accident and when her mom died..i felt so bad when wyatt cried. thanks so much terriyour a brilliant writer!!!!
I LOVED this!! I really like the phantom stallion books too!
This is amazing. I loved it. I really wish you made more of the books in this series. It was amazing and couldn't put the books down, I was really sad when I read all of this series. This story was awesome. Thanks so much
- A reader that LOVED the series about Sam and "The Phantom"
I loved this! it had me emotional to see those events happen to Sam...and her family.
Best christmas gift ever! :D
Merry Christmas Terri!
I loved this! it had me emotional to see those events happen to Sam...and her family.
Best christmas gift ever! :D
Merry Christmas Terri!
This is a touching peice for such a short story about the many adventures of the phantom Stallion Series. I absotelely loved it. I never knew that it was Jake who told Sam to give the Phantom is special name... does that mean "Witch" has a secret name Mrs. Farley? You know it would be neat if you made some blog posts or short stories from his point of view.. =)
WOW! amazing, heart warming, the perfect Christmas gift!
I think this story was awesome. I think you should make more chapters of it and publish it because I think children would really get into this story. And they would probably love it too.
I loved this!! It was amazing. I cant wait to read more. :)
I think it's really cool! It's a sweet story. :)
i loved it!!!!! it would be if you could write short stories from jake's point of view. that would be awesome
Your writing always makes me so happy. Because of you I have become somewhat of a writer. All of your blogs have inspired me and this little piece is no different. I grew up on the Phantom Stallion series and reading Sam's Blog and this just take me back. This piece is so wonderful and cute! I just love it. I will be watching if you ever post more :)
i loved it it would make a grate chapter bookof just the beginning of both sam and the phantom up untill he had a chance to run away. and i'll be waiting to hear more!!!!!!!!!!!
This story was the sweetest, most saddest story i have read in a long time. Thank you Terri Farley for writing this story. It made me feel like i was not alone in the world.
I hate to sound greedy but i want more! :) i really really liked it, and thought it was very sweet,it was sad too but all around i really enjoyed it.
On your wild horse Island series Cade can see in the dark really well. But my sister says that people can't 'see' in the dark. Also it would be awesome to read stories from Cade's piont of view. I am writing four books at one time and it's sometimes hard to not make all my characters the same. The title's are: 161(which takes place in the future.)Dance of the wild horses, (I got influenced by your book!)Mystery mare,(which is book 2 of dance of the wild horses) and Wolves at moonrise.(My peronal favorite) I love writing it's like being in another world! I go by the nickname XDDXDD on and I have a
Also I have a poem called "Still, I am free" that I would like to post! (Yeah, I wrote it because of your article!)
I'll post it later. I have it on microsoft word on my other computer! I love your series.
But my sister finds them quite boring. (She hasn't even read them!) She is also writing a book called "Bound by Fate." It's about a girl who turns into a dog. I could go on forever but I'll stop now.
Oh my gosh! I loved your prequel to the Phantom Stallion series "Remember the Colt"! It was written really well and I had fun learning about all the characters years before the actual series! Please write another one Terri! They're amazing!! That's be cool if you could do a sequel to the
24th Phantom Stallion book! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
That was sucha wonderful story.The beginning made me sad.It was a AMAZING story!
I loved it too. I think it's awesome. But I think it would be awesome if you could also write a story about Jake and Sam. I don't know if in the last book but I think Jake is finally realizing she should be with Sam. I would like to see them married and stories about their new life together with their amazing love for past and future horses.
That was so great! Thankyou so much!!
Love it!!!!