Saturday, September 11, 2010
from Honeybandit to YOU
Dear Two-legged friends,
Wow, what a day. Went to the vet for my "daily visit" Friday.
I don't mind going to the vet, because they have yummy grass to eat.
Two-legged Mom & Dad lift me out of the trailer. Then blood is taken from my catheter and I am free to munch the grass.
There are a lot of big horses around here. They look funny to me, their coats are shiny and someone forgot to put holes all over them and you can't see their bones or anything.
Oh well. Maybe they are city horses?
Thanks for helping me ya'll.
LOVE, HoneyBandit
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 12:48 PM

mailing address:
Palomino Lauri Armstrong
P.O. Box 709
Shingletown, CA 96088
How cute! Your welcome Honey Bandit! We're happy to help!
I'll try to send supplies.
-Young At Heart