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Terri Farley
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Palomino's Journal: Wednesday

Last night was a very hard one. Guess being tired caught up to me. Felt like my eyeballs were rolling around in sand and might come out.
HoneyBandit's temperature kept fluctuating and his legs were freezing. I tried to keep them under the electric blanket, but it isn't real large. It is an awesome blanket though because it works, number one. It is also really soft like a baby's blanket and covers his body perfectly. But then we have those legs.
At 3:00 a.m. the light bulb in my brain came on. LEG WARMERS! I went in the house and dug through my drawer and I found them.
Luckily I had two pair of black ones, and he has SPARKLES on his back legs!He looks adorable.
Went to the vet today and did more blood work. That bill is growing like my teenage boys. Fast!! There wasn't too much change so we are giving him a different medicine to bring his potassium level down. It can be deadly if it is too high.
Doc doesn't give him more than the 50/50 chance , she did before. She is surprised that he made it this far. But he has heart. Not just heart, but MUSTANG HEART!

I can't tell you how much everyone's support means to us. Sometimes when you reach this date in the care of a foal in this type of condition, you hit an emotional flat spot. All you want to do is cry, and that is not good. Because right now is when everyone is pulling together and praying and helping him stay alive. So that is why it is so wonderful to have so much support, because ya'll keep me from crashing.

I have to tell you that he is looking pretty awesome in his leg warmers and baby blanket. We had to smile because if you cover his legs and his body and his neck with his bandage he looks pretty good. Honestly though, he has a spark in him that wasn't there before. You can't even really tell how, or what the difference is, but there is a teeny tiny difference and it is good.
If his light was shining on a scale of 1-100, it was at 0 before,and today is a 5. So that is a small but wonderful improvement. God bless. X o from HoneyBandit.

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 10:44 PM

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Comments: Thank you Terry for posting this good news that Honey Bandit is still fighting to live. Tell Palomino to talk to him and tell him about all the people praying for him and that care about him and that we are sorry he was rounded up and taken from his mother. Tell her to tell him we are sorry and to please forgive us but ask him to fight to get stronger and better and to stay with us and we will do our best to make it up to him.
  Thanks for the sharing. I hope that it helps you to share as much as it does us to read. Keep up the good work and the prayers will be there for you to have the strength to continue and for bandit to have the heart (mustang Heart) to continue on. I am sending some cyclone fencing over with Mat for a new pen if you decide to use it like that. I wish I could do more.
  Both of you are in our thoughts and prayers. As well as you Mrs. Farley.

  Maybe he realizes he has hope, or maybe he just loves the legwarmers! Either way it sounds like he's getting happier, healthier, and with a couple of months maybe he'll reach that 20 or 30, maybe even if progress is going great, a 55.I know, very optimistic.

The best thing to do is to hope that he's happy and hopeful all the way through. :)

-Young At Heart
  I have a pair of black leg warmers that I'd be willing to donate. How can I send them to you?

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