Sunday, May 15, 2016
Book Kids are Wild at Heart
Q&A with Terri Farley

Meghan Goel of BOOK PEOPLE, an independent bookstore in Austin, Texas, interviewed Terri Farley about her new book
Wild at Heart and the fired-up kids that inspired her.
Meghan Goel: Why did you write this book for kids now?
Terri Farley: I had to write
Wild at Heart before it was too late. I’d been writing
The Phantom Stallion fiction
series since 2002 and young readers fell in love with the West’s wild
horses. In my stories, I could write happy endings for mustangs, but if
round-ups continue at the current hectic pace, my readers might never
see mustangs running free. And oh, do they want to! Kids from all over
the world write to me, vowing to come West just to see them.
Like most adults, kids don’t know that mustangs and the lands they
roam actually belong to them — the American public. Wild horses captured
by the government are not going from homes on the range to greener
pastures. Often, they go to Mexican slaughter houses.
"... the story of our wild horses has a lot of dark shadows but
kids aren’t yet afraid of the truth. Faced with facts that hurt, they
want to know why...
and they want to know how they can help. My book got
its sub-title – Mustangs and the Young People Fighting to Save Them —
because I want to empower kids – not crush their hopes.
Kids are relieved to learn the young people I interviewed for
Wild at Heart are
not perfect. Some of the featured young people were able to turn their
own pain from abuse and bullying to empathy and action for the mustangs.
Other kids in the book use their skills – singing, social media skills,
and understanding of animals – to make a difference. No matter how much
these kids may struggle in other aspects of their lives, when they
stand up for wild horses, their courage is contagious.
Young people's courage is contagious |
MG: What do you hope kids will take away from
Wild at Heart?
TF: I hope I show them they’re worth having the
author of a book come to talk with them. That may sound strange, but
just today, in Austin, two little girls asked me why I was so dressed
up. When I told them it was because I was coming to see them, they were
"In the best of all possible worlds, my words will help them to be stubbornly devoted to the natural world and each other."
Kids don’t live in the past, so I search for up-to- the-minute facts
on everything to do with wild horses. The scientists I interview admit
they’re generous with their time because they want to give young
readers access to non- politicized facts.
To read the complete Q&A and more about WILD HORSES click
here Labels: Austin, BLM round ups, BookPeople, books, children's books, HMH books, horse slaughter, independent bookstores, Meghan Goel, mustangs, phantom stallion, public lands, school visits, Texas, Wild at Heart, wild horses
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Terri Farley @ 11:43 AM