Wednesday, September 30, 2009
News from Stagecoach, Nevada
Dear Readers,
I had to share two snippets from a local column by my friend (and mustang lover) Betty. They will give you an idea of her part of Nevada! Terri
I decided to do a little research on tumbleweeds. Wikipedia provided a lot of information and led me to some interesting Web sites. By definition a tumbleweed is any plant that once mature separates from the root and tumbles away. There were many varieties of such plants listed. The one most familiar to those living around Stagecoach and other places in Nevada is the Russian Thistle, that green, spiky plant that dries into the brown thing from --well, you get the picture. The seeds of this plant supposedly came from Africa in flaxseed in the 1870s.
But the most interesting fact about tumbleweeds was the number of Web sites I found that sell tumbleweeds -- a 20-inch diameter tumbleweed goes for around $25. Garden City Kansas claims to be the tumbleweed capital of the world --maybe we should challenge them to a tumbleweed duel. Chandler Arizona constructs their Christmas tree from tumbleweeds. At one site, you can buy "road kill tumbleweed parts" --these are tumbleweeds that have been run over by vehicles on highways.
I think we might be missing out on an opportunity here. I'll gladly give anyone of an entrepreneurial spirit as many tumbleweeds as they will haul away so they can start their own tumbleweed business in Stagecoach. I have a fine variety of seeds, starter plants or dried varieties.
Special guest at advisory meeting
Local wild horses
Our local wild horses are going "international". An author and a photographer visiting from Sweden are learning as much about our horses during their three-week stay as they can: from wild to gentled, from babies to aged, from prison trained to gentled by a teenager. They plan to publish what they learn in a book scheduled for print next year.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:54 AM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My favorite kind of research

Taking notes on horseback, overlooking the range = inspiration of the sweetest kind :)
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 6:24 AM
Monday, September 28, 2009
NV Horsepower is having trouble streaming live, but they are working hard to get coverage to us! Keep trying throughout the day. I hear that BLM director Bob Abbey isn't attending. Hope he's working hard behind the scene to get things fixed!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 8:15 AM
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Their Friends Will Speak
Dear Readers,
Friends of the wild horses are congregating at the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory board meeting in Virginia tomorrow, Monday.
I went to the last two meetings -- in Reno, NV and Sacramento, CA -- but won't be attending this one. I WILL be getting up extra early to listen to the live streaming, brought to EVERYONE by Nevada Horsepower, here:
Wild Horse Advisory Board meetingIt begins at 8 a.m. Eastern time in the U.S.
I have a feeling it will be a lively meeting! And the link will put you there to see what's said about YOUR horses by BLM and the Public.
The meeting will go on all day.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 9:02 PM
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thailand's 1st Female Equine Vet

(Thai horse!)
Want to read about the first female EQUINE vet in Thailand? Click here
Lady Vetand enjoy!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 11:47 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009
Dear Readers,
This just in, with details pending!
It must still pass the House of Representatives, but the Senate voted not to allow funds for BLM to slaughter wild horses -- not mares, foals, stallions, not ANY "unadoptable" horses.
Senator Landrieu also proposed that the BLM be required to take competitive bids for private, long term sanctuaries.
Read more here:
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:57 PM
Hoofbeats and Heartbeats: if you can't tell the difference
Dear Readers,
Many of you want to rescue a wild horse, but you a)don't have the land
b) don't have the money or c)don't know how to persuade your family to allow you to do it.
Still, I know you don't want to look back with regret, saying, "Once there were wild horses and I loved them, but I let them go..."
Every day, others talk to Senators about wild horse legislation, they discover hasty round-ups and tell us about them, negotiate with caring vets, and try to figure out how to help wild stallions that glare through their forelocks, not wanting human help. Now you can help them help wild horses.
The Phantom knows such organizations first hand,

and because wild horse angels like YOU deserve recognition, I'm offering gifts to the people who help!
Keep reading...
Chilly Pepper the Miracle Mustang was rescued by my friend Palomino, a volunteer for the Wild Horse Sanctuary, home of the real Phantom. Chilly's fund for mustang orphans will accept any donation, no matter how small, and send you a thank-you postcard from Chilly, featuring her beautiful portrait! You can donate here:
MIRACLE MUSTANG fundThe BLM round-up in the Pryor Mountains robbed many older horses of the only life they've ever known. Conquistador is no longer a proud band stallion. He is number 5336. 21 year-old Grumpy Grulla is no longer a lead mare. She is number 5321. The Cloud Foundation's Freedom Fund will buy and transport older Pryor Mountain mustangs back home.
FREEDOM FUNDWild horse angels deserve recognition, so I'll send free gift books to the first 50 angels to send PayPal donations of $15 or more to any of the above organizations.
PHANTOMSTALLION.COMto "shop" for the title you want. I'll do my best to fill all requests.
When you donate, make sure you indicate GIFT BOOK and make sure the fund manager has your address so that I can mail your gift post paid.
MONEY isn't the only way you can help!!!
Email your feelings now to : In your subject line: WH&B Advisory Board Comments (they're next meeting in MONDAY!)
Feel free to borrow my words:
I don't want to look back with regret, saying, "Once there were wild horses and I loved them, but I let them go..."
GO GET 'EM !!!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 10:47 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Look quick, before they're gone

Dear Readers,
Next week, the BLM will round up the
last remaining wild burro herds in the Mojave National Preserve.
Even people who care little for burros or other wildlife are surprised that BLM would remove the last of anything.
I've emailed and will call Senator Diane Feinstein about this. As the author of the California Desert Protection Act,she strongly believes wild burros are a part of the heritage of the Mojave Desert - having been present in this area since California's Gold Rush.
I know lots of you are feeling frustrated, sad and hopeless about the constant carelessness toward the lives of wild animals -- especially equines -- and I'm putting together a list of things that you can do to help.
Hugs to you all,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:31 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My favorite fish

Can you believe that these Siamese Fighting fish -- also called Bettas -- are native to rice paddies in Cambodia and Thailand? Imagine looking into the water and seeing them fluttering their look colorful fins around!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 9:41 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
Animal Detectives ROCK

Last Friday, ASPCA Special Agent Paul Lai arrested New Yorker Donnell Walters for allegedly beating a 4½-pound Yorkshire Terrier (pic of a Yorkie, on right) named Lucy. Lucy’s owner alleges that in late July, a verbal dispute triggered Walters, 22, to assault the tiny canine. He is accused of repeatedly slamming or dropping Lucy to the ground, shattering one of her legs.
When Agent Lai had trouble finding Walters, he cleverly used a variety of tools, including Facebook, to locate the suspect. Friday’s arrest was made at Walters’ Manhattan workplace; he has been charged with one count of aggravated animal cruelty, which carries a penalty of up to two years in jail.
If you know of an animal who is being hurt, please report it—those who intentionally hurt animals may move on to abuse the people in their lives. To report animal cruelty in New York City, call the ASPCA’s tip line at (877) THE-ASPCA. Visit our Report Cruelty FAQ to learn how to report cruelty elsewhere.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 9:59 AM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Get Arty

Guess what I got into trouble for most often when I was in elementary school? I drew horses on my papers. All over my papers. My fifth grade teacher finally gave up and told me I could incorporate horses into my signature, but THAT WAS ALL. And it worked!
Her name was Mrs. Bland and I dedicated a book to her.
Horses are still the only thing I can draw,and I remember spending hours with a book by an artist called Walter Foster. Although I can't find any free examples of his techniques on line, I did find this
drawing horses which is a similar process.
I bet you'll have fun giving it a try!
p.s. drawing horses wasn't the thing I got sent to the principal's office for, but that's another story
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:12 AM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Glimmer of Hope for the Horses!
Dear Readers,
Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, a friend of the horses and the only non-Nevada senator I've contributed to, said that if the BLM doesn’t change its ways and stop the gathers and helicopter stampedes she is considering supporting legislation to remove management of wild horses from the agency.
A fresh start could be a wonderful thing!
Keep watching,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 6:21 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A different sort of sea horse
Dear Readers,
At a farm in Sarasota County, Florida, former polo horses wade through the waters almost up to their necks, carrying riders in a little-known sport called horse surfing! If you want to see a happy horse (and rider), go to this article and keep clicking on the photo until it's BIG.
SURFING, EQUINE STYLEI promise you'll smile.
Happy Tuesday,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:23 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009
What Really Happened

Dear Readers,
If you'd like to read an account of what happened to the wild horses in the Pryor Mountains, illustrated with wonderful photos, check this out:
Wild Hoofbeats BlogBest,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 5:30 PM
Dear Readers,
Hope you make the most of this new week.
I the first day of the week doing "farm wife" chores: harvesting apples, peaches, basil and the few tomatoes I've won from the deer, then baking peach-pecan bread, pesto and more. I love weekends like that, and I'm still trying to think of more peach recipes to make, because a great friend offered me more and I know we'll love them in January!
Today, I'll walk down and feed the horses before going to the gym to work out and then I'll spend most of the day answering snail mail from my readers.
Out my window, I see golden leaves huddled together at the base of white fences, so there must have been a chilly wind last night.
Stay happy,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:36 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Renewing My Vow

Dear Readers,
I've been writing my blog since June 2005 and sometimes I don't think about its title for weeks at a time.
Some of you have only started reading my blog recently, so I thought it might be time for a re-introduction.
Dear Readers,
Maybe you're wondering : What is Wabi Sabi?
Way over-simplified, it's an appreciation for the beauty of things which are imperfect, incomplete, impermanent, humble or rustic.
Wabi Sabi is a Japanese concept and Wabi Sabi West is a celebration of how the idea touches my life with my readers. Wabi Sabi can mean "to everything there is a season". It can mean fitting yourself to Nature rather than exerting power over it.
There may be as many interpretations of Wabi Sabi as there are people who've felt it.
If you'd like a few examples, read on.
Imperfect -- like a smooth stone which just fits the curve of your palm, though the top is spiky with barnacles
Incomplete -- like a piece of old lace made for your great-great-great-grandmother's wedding day, fashioned into a veil that's unfinished because her husband-to-be died in a Civil War battle
Impermanent -- like a sunbeam dancing through dust motes
Humble -- like rescuing a spider before its sucked down a bath tub drain
Rustic -- like a wooden fence, paint peeling in a pattern that will only be created by winter wind and summer showers, only once, ever
Wabi Sabi West will be down to earth and simple. I'll respond to reader letters and emails, tell you what Nevada looks like from my office window, what the dogs have dragged in, maybe share some research notes for past and future books and
I won't stay away from controversial topics, especially if they impact the West's wild horses.
Not a chance. Nope. No way.Stay safe and happy --
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 2:50 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
So You Want to Be a Writer

Dear Readers,
I just read an online review of two of my books by a reviewer (he claims to be an adult. It gave me whiplash, and not in a good way! This reminded me that for all of us, putting our stories out there isn't easy.
But I love it!
I have had a WONDERFUL time brainstorming new ideas this week,and I never would've been asked to judge the Girls Horse Club's fiction contest if I hadn't written the PHANTOM STALLION series.
Not only that, I get to tell you about a cool competition my friend author Ellen Hopkins is sponsoring with a private writing school.
Here's some info about the contest:
Life—and love—can turn on a dime.
Gotham has teamed up with Ellen Hopkins and Simon & Schuster publishing, for a truly unique poetry competition - The Tricks Writing Contest. Writing in verse, Ellen Hopkins deals with tough subjects—addiction, abuse—in her books and her latest, Tricks, is no different.
Now it is your turn to
write about a tough subject or trying life experience—real or imagined—spun into four to eight stanzas of verse.
Ellen Hopkins will read the entries and the author of her favorite entry will win a free six-week online writing class from Gotham Writers’ Workshop. Ellen will also post the winning entry on her website,
EllenHopkins.comThe winner and ten runners-up will also receive a personalized copy of Tricks signed by the author.
There is no entry fee and no purchase is necessary. You can even enter online:
Tricks Contest
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:26 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Beautiful Grulla Bachelors

Dear Readers,
Aren't these two grulla bachelor mustangs beautiful? Check out their interesting dorsal and leg stripes!
If you'd like to see more wild horses and video of a footsore little foal driven down a ten mile long rocky hill (could you do that?) visit:
The Cloud FoundationBest,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 3:53 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The real Ace

Dear Readers,
Just in case you've never seen a photo of the real Ace -- this was on my first cattle drive, the one which inspired the first PHANTOM book -- I thought I'd share.
As some of you long time readers know, I tried to buy this sassy little freeze-branded guy, but his rancher-owner would never sell.
He's still in my heart!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 2:52 AM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
from the field
Cloud has been released. He did not want to leave - they took his daughter Dancer at the gate so he kept snaking the mares back trying to get her and wranglers had to drive him out - up and down cliffs - it was heartbreaking.
They also released Baja with 1 of the footsore foals - kept the colt who was really sore.
Carol Walkerjust got this, too:
TONIGHT on Howling Ridge Radio we will be joined by some people who were actually on the Pryor Mountain observing this tragedy. Former 'Good Morning America' correspondent Chantal Westerman and Monika Courtney were on the mountain, and Craig Downer, Duane Burright, and Dr.Lisa Jacobson will also be our guests.
The show starts at 9:30pm Eastern and runs for two hours. You can reach the show page
hereIf you would like to call in the call in number is: 718-664-6596. You need not call in to listen to the program as you may listen at the show page. If you do want to call in press 1 and that will let us know that you would like to speak. We hope you will join us to hear these eyewitness accounts from Chantal and Monika.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 1:30 PM

Dear Readers,
The round up of wild horses in the Pryor Mountains goes on. Cloud has been brought in. I don't know if he's been freeze-branded, but I'll find out for those of you who've asked.
For all of you asking WHY? again and again, this morning I feel cynical and can't help thinking someone is profiting from ending the horses' freedom and they're using existing laws to back them up.
Keep watching,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:48 AM
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Morning update from the Pryors
10 am update :
> We were rushed out of here last night told that public hours were till 5 -
> this was right after Jackson's band came in - this morning I read in
> Matt's blog that Jackson's mare Brumby had tied up and had to be treated
> by the vet - clearly this was why we were rushed out of here. The band
> brought in after we left was Duke's with Madonna and her month old foal -
> I am hoping we get a walk through this morning so we can see the condition
> of the horses. I got here at 8 they are already processing the horses and
> we are stuck in the parking lot not able to see but just hearing the
> frantic cries of the horses separated from each other.
> Carol Walker
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 1:12 PM
Monday, September 07, 2009
Your Horses in Danger
from the Pryor Mts: Cloud has been rounded up and most of his family has been seized.
Fierce fighting has broken out among corraled and crowded stallions.
Horses are being injured trying to escape.
The HUMANE observer has been barred from her close-up position at the catch site unless she will sign a form saying she's a BLM volunteer, meaning she goes by their rules and cannot take or share photographs.
FROM photo Carol Walker: We are watching processing of horses - run through chutes to squeeze chute where they shave necks, freeze brand and hair sample for horse that will be adopted or sold. Dun mare reared up 5x then hooked her head and went over backwards. Then a dun colt came out of the chute backwards and was lame.
They put band stallions from the Forest Service, Trigger, 11 and Conquistador, 19 and they have been fighting, vicious at times - Ginger talked to the vet about it - hoping they separate them before serious injuries occur.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:51 PM
One Up Side of this Down Weekend

Dear Readers,
This weekend's wild horse troubles have made me feel like I've been hit by a truck. Still, when I ran across this quotation, I realized even though I have bad memories of translating Camus'
L'Etranger word-for-word for a college French class, most wild horse lovers are with him here:
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
--Albert Camus p.s. Oh, and the title of this blog is ONE up side because I know there are MANY others! Want to share?
Best to you all,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 2:15 PM
Sunday, September 06, 2009
BURNS AMENDMENT rises like a zombie

Dear Readers,
> A reliable person on the ground in the Pryor Mountains says BLM has decided not to corral the horses over ten years old, and not to adopt them, but, per the Burns Amendment sell them to the highest bidder.
UPDATE: In a meeting last month in Washington DC we were told by Ed Roberson of the Department of Interior and Don Glenn, Chief of the Wild Horse and Burro Program, that all of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses would be adopted, even the horses over 10. At the first morning briefing of this roundup Field Manager Jim Sparks reiterated this promise.
But in a taped interview yesterday Don Glenn said that the older horses would be sold, all people have to do is sign a paper release.> This just in from Carol Walker, the photographer whose wonderful work I showed you:
We are at the overlook - they got Conquistador's band the last band in the Forest Service this morning and now are goung after the remaining 130 on the mtn including Halcion and her week old foal - it is a 10 mile plus distance down the rocky hillside. Bolder and Chino's bands just came in with Bolder's gorgeous buckskin filly - all horses look ok so far but it is very hot.Carol Walker
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> ****NEWS FLASH**** 2pm, Sept. 6, 2009****
The Cattoor roundup helicopter just drove Cloud's son Bolder and his band down the mountain. It is over 90 degrees now in the low country and the horses must travel over 12 miles.
We cannot be in the helicopter or anywhere to observe and can only see and witness a small portion of their frightening journey. Chino's band was with them as well and they fine coming in but at this time of year many of the horses are way out in the Forest Service and they had a very long trip down.
The helicopter is going up now for more horses, very likely including the week-old foal and her young mother, both planned to be removed. This is the wrong time to do a roundup in the Pryors-later in the fall the horses would be much lower down the mountain. But this is when the roundup crew was available. Many of the foals are too young for this journey.
Sue Cattoor of the roundup crew is saying that the buckskin filly below, Bolder's newest daughter, is too thin and must be removed. Here she is one week ago on the mountaintop. She is a stunning, leggy and very healthy filly, probably born in early July. She looked good to observers on the hill as she came in as well- she is not thin or in poor health. The lies and misinformation continue as does this roundup.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:03 PM
I told you that you were winners!
The National Wild Horse Adoption Day Mascot Naming Contest was a huge success.And the winner is one of you!
Rachael Yoder, working with her brother Jared, wrote this:
I would name this wonderful mustang Aguila because in Spanish it means "Eagle". The first mustangs in America were brought here by the Spaniards so I think it would be proper for the mascot to honor his/her original ansestors with a Espenol name. An eagle also represents freedom and flight just like the wild horse as it gallops free across the planes almost as if it were flying like the eagle.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 4:19 AM
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Sadness in the Pryor Mountains

This update,
Death of a Promise is worth reading and the film worth viewing. The haunting music in this film and the images by Carol Walker
Losing Freedom echo the question we're all asking : WHY?
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 11:59 AM
BEST and WORST, you go first!
Dear Readers,
When my kids were little we started a dinnertime game. During it, each of us would tell the BEST and WORST part of our day. It was a way to put the day into perspective and catch up with each other. The only rule is that you must think of one of each.
Best could be anything from a favorite kind of casserole on the plate in front of you, to getting unexpected praise from a teacher, to finding a cow in our garden (yep, that happened one fall morning).
Worst, when the kids were little, was often something like "I can't find my favorite _____," or "_____ was mean to me," or "I left my homework at school!" and lots of times the "worst" was something we could fix together.
So now, if you like, share your
best and
worst of the whole summer and the rest of us will listen!
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 8:01 AM
Friday, September 04, 2009
Wild Horse Rumors, Myths and Lies
Dear Readers,
Confrontations -- on the range,in city streets or town hall meetings -- can turn ugly. My mind is swimming from things I've heard about our wild horses, lately, and I want to warn you to question what you hear. Not all sources on the Internet, on television or even in person can be trusted.
Two issues --a) horses as a non-native species to North America and b) the ROAM bill as a Federal grab for oil-- are gnawing on my nerves like misguided mice nibbling insulation on electrical wiring.
I don't want to shock anyone, but I've seen bones of prehistoric Nevada horses the sizes of foxes -- in a museum, not in my dreams. Horses were in North America six million years ago. It is likely they died out and were re-introduced by Spanish explorers much later, but this is a lousy arguement for culling wild horses, specially from those who aren't Native American.
Is there a conflict between oil and wild horses? Sure. If a profit can be made from the ground beneath their hooves, if their muscles can be turned into meat and then cold, hard cash, some humans will see $$$ not wild horses.
Facts are twisted to fit arguments all the time (I know you know, but still!) so don't guess at what the writer or speaker is trying to say; read each word. Then, go back to original documents -- EX: the text of the ROAM bill, passed by the House of Representatives is online -- and read every word of those.

I can't help imagining that this stallion is watching us, wondering what we'll do next.
Hoping with heart and head,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 3:02 PM
Round up
Dear Readers,
I'm keeping in touch with people on the ground at the round-up in the Pryor mountains. So far, because of the intense alertness of the public, things appear to be proceeding humanely, but I've yet to hear why the horses will be reduced to numbers which will make them genetically crowded
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:40 AM
Thursday, September 03, 2009
We're Watching

Dear Readers,
For two days the BLM round-up in the territory of the famous stallion Cloud was delayed, but the Federal Court has decided the round-up should go ahead. It is scheduled to begin today.
The Cloud Foundation will post the latest news on its site, and it has also posted a description of the helicopter pilot who is rounding up these horses. His past deeds and present wealth will surprise you.
Here's a link to investigate:
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 3:36 AM
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Still Here

Preparations for the arrival of rare Przewalski wild horses at a new sanctuary are underway, as workers remove poisonous plants and erect around four kilometres of wooden fences.
These horses were hunted to the brink of extinction before their value to the environment was understood.
People who've worked with Przewalski horses say they're wilder and shyer than other free roaming horses, and more dangerous when cornered.
To me they look like cave paintings come alive.
Now THAT would make a great story...
Happy Tuesday,
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 7:46 AM
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Hamster Whirl
Dear Readers,
I'm not getting to chat with you as often as I like! Between judging wonderful entries to the Girls Horse Club contest (SUCH talent, you guys!), standing up for the wild horses and recoiling in disbelief when BLM actually set out to capture THOUSANDS more mustangs this week, and writing, I've been like a hamster on a wheel. Dizzy, busy.
You will get your enewsletter today (tonight?),too.
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Posted by
Terri Farley @ 11:37 AM